Hoping for better results.
There's nothing wrong with hope; it's a positive emotion giving us a more optimistic view on the future. For successful people hope is not nearly enough. Hope does not solve problems. Hope does not create opportunities. It does not change anything. If you want to move or if you want to close a certain chapter of your life, if you want to obtain a specific outcome, you have to move beyond hoping and start taking action and creating opportunities. If you are working with an old school friend. He has produced one disaster after the other. Stop to work with him. Do not hope that he will suddenly produce fantastic results. This will never happen. Sometimes, you have to walk away and hire a professional partner.
Finding somebody to held responsible for your own mistakes.
Instead to invest time for time consuming investigations to find out who can be held responsible, stop it. Successful people concentrate on the next opportunity.
The lottery comes with a false promise: a chance to win lot of money with a very small investment. The mathematical probability to win is very low and close to be practically inexistent. Your chance of creating your own wealth is much bigger than getting lucky and winning the jackpot. The world's wealthiest people have no interest in wasting time with a dream which never happens. Instead, they chose to train their own skills, to work harder than the average and reach more tangible results. Becoming rich is a process of accumulating many successful events one after the other and not to make the unrealistic one shot jackpot. Cancelling their goals.
Goals are crucial for success. They have to be dreamed before and exactly defined before; if you imagine and visualize your goals with mental pictures, they help you to be focused, they help you prioritize, and they lead you to bigger and better results. According to a survey, successful people are always dreaming and creating goals and following goals. People without success have always justifications ready why this or that goal has to be cancelled. The process of following goals, no matter what happens, creates people with a strong will power and people with a weak will power are cancelling goals, one after the other. Poor people cancelling their goals are doing that because it is much more comfortable to cancel something, instead to do something which is not comfortable. If you want to be successful you have to go out of your comfort zone. You need the courage to leave your comfort zone and do uncomfortable things. Go out of your comfort zone preserving your goal.
Having a living standard above your income.
Falling into a debt trap or being unable to pay the bills, it comes down to one critical mistake; living a lifestyle that requires a greater income than you are actually generating. If you have an emergency, unexpected, you will immediately start accumulating debts, which becomes more and more difficult to pay off. Smart rich people have a low profile lifestyle and they continue to stay there because they live below their means. They have always a reserve ready for unexpected events. Many super rich Swiss individuals are masters in living a low profile lifestyle.
Settling for less.
Rich people decided that they were going to be rich one day. They convinced themselves and decided to be successful. They deserved to be rich.
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